Radiesse has become a leading facial injection for Atlanta patients who desire to improve the appearance of their skin. We offer Radiesse, which is comprised of a mineral known as calcium hydroxyapatite, which resides naturally inside the bones and face. When this calcium gel is injected, volume is added under the skin immediately. It also stimulates the body’s collagen production to help smooth contours, fine lines, and wrinkles for up to a full year. Radiesse is the only FDA approved filler comprised of calcium-based microspheres. It boasts a high standard of safety and effectiveness.

“Dr Connors did an awesome job for me. I am very happy with the results. The whole team is amazing, very welcoming and professional. 100% recommend them."
Radiesse® FAQs
What About Other Fillers?
Patients who are considering an injectable filler as part of their cosmetic treatment have a diverse selection of fillers to choose from. Fillers such as Radiesse are considered temporary, even though the results may last up to a full year. Common filler procedures include collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite, hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, and the heaviest of the fillers, PMMA. During your consultation, we will discuss the various fillers and evaluate your facial tone, laxity, and volume levels to help you decide which filler may be the best choice.
What Makes Radiesse Different?
Radiesse is the only dermal filler composed of calcium-based microspheres, which are comparable to hyaluronic acid injectable fillers due to the natural ability to stimulate collagen production. The results slightly vary from the two types of fillers, and generally patients are more pleased with results from Radiesse.
What About Side Effects?
Patients undergoing Radiesse may have mild redness, bruising, numbness and/or itching that occur following treatment. These are temporary side effects that usually disappear within a day or two.