Surgical Technique

Breast reduction surgery for men is done through a special liposuction technique. Some men with milder cases of gynecomastia may only require liposuction to attain good results. This is performed to remove the fatty tissue residing under the skin. During this approach, a small incision is made around the areola (intra-areolar). This allows access for a suction device to move through the chest and remove fat and tissue. In severe gynecomastia cases, an en bloc resection of excessive breast tissue and tightening of loose skin may be necessary. This includes nipple grafting and may require a staged surgery.

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Men & Plastic Surgery

During/After Surgery

All male breast reduction procedures are performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at an accredited surgical facility. The surgery typically lasts about an hour. Following surgery, there will be some swelling and a compression garment should be worn for one to two weeks. Most patients are able to resume normal work schedules within a few days and incorporate exercise within four weeks. This surgery allows men to feel more confident when exposing their chest due to a firmer, flatter chest. In most cases, scarring is inconspicuous.

“Dr. Hart is phenomenal in the what she does!! I have been going to her for almost a year now. She is very compassionate, kind and understanding but also very talented and efficient! I’m very picky when it comes to getting work done. Dr. Hart takes every request and concern to “heart” lol. She makes you feel comfortable and at ease during the whole treatment. I will most certainly continue to return to her for all of my plastic surgery needs!"
- Jared R.

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