In recent years, the popularity of breast enhancement surgery has skyrocketed, largely due to technological and medical advancements.* Among the most popular breast procedures is breast augmentation, which aims to enhance fullness and volume with saline or silicone implants. When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, breast augmentation can refine body contours and significantly boost both confidence and quality of life.
With this in mind, women considering breast implants should understand that the procedure will involve a recovery period – as well as potential side effects. Specifically, throughout the healing process, patients may experience burning, soreness, or general discomfort in their nipples (typically due to pressure or manipulation of the nerves).
For most women, nipple pain associated with breast implants resolves within about six to eight weeks, at which time the majority of their postoperative swelling should also subside. In some cases, the process can take longer; however, it is rare for nipple pain to be long-lasting or permanent after a breast augmentation.
Another possible side effect of breast augmentation is loss of sensation in the nipples, which may result from the severing of nerves during surgery. This is a normal, expected, and usually temporary symptom. It generally takes 12–18 months for patients to fully regain feeling in their nipples, but numbness may last longer in rarer cases. Once patients reach the two-year mark after surgery, their nipple symptoms are unlikely to change further. Furthermore, please be aware that while these issues can occur, most women regain normal nipple sensation and overall feeling in their breasts without complication.
Ready to take the first step toward feeling more confident and feminine than ever? Schedule your preoperative breast augmentation appointment at Plastic Surgery Group of Atlanta today.
Editor’s note: This blog was originally posted on January 23rd, 2023.